INN | 5957007813 |
KPP | 595701001 |
OGRN | 1025902548055 |
OKPO | 56802214 |
Address | 617834, kray Permskiy, r-n Chernushinskiy, p Azinskiy, ul. Yuzhnaya, d. D.13 |
Phone | 4-01-87 |
OKVED code | Type | Name of activity type |
47.41 | Core activity | Retail trade of computers, peripheral devices to them and software in specialized stores |
Registration date | 10.12.2002 |
Registering department | Administratsiya Chernushinskogo rayona Permskoy oblasti |
CHERNUSHINSKIY KOMP'YUTERNYY TSENTR, OOO (Perm Krai; INN 5957007813) was registered on 10 Dec 2002. The company's authorized capital as of July 1, 2012 was 10000 rub. Type of ownership of CHERNUSHINSKIY KOMP'YUTERNYY TSENTR, OOO - Limited liability companies. Form of ownership of CHERNUSHINSKIY KOMP'YUTERNYY TSENTR, OOO - Private property. Principal activities of CHERNUSHINSKIY KOMP'YUTERNYY TSENTR, OOO: retail trade of computers, peripheral devices to them and software in specialized stores (47.41). |
Economic indicators2021
Net loss (RA) of CHERNUSHINSKIY KOMP'YUTERNYY TSENTR, OOO made up 10.00 thousand RUB over 2021 compared to net profit of 18.00 thousand RUB over 2020, the company informed. Revenue increased in the accounting period 1.53 times to 2.50 million RUB from 1.64 million RUB over 2020. 2020
Net profit (RAS) of CHERNUSHINSKIY KOMP'YUTERNYY TSENTR, OOO made up 18.00 thousand RUB over 2020 compared to net loss of 111.00 thousand RUB over 2019, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 23.23% to 1.64 million RUB from 2.13 million RUB in 2019; cost of goods sold decreased by 41.41% to 870.00 thousand RUB from 1.49 million RUB; sales profit made up 17.00 thousand RUB compared to sales loss of 94.00 thousand RUB. 2019
Net loss (RAS) of CHERNUSHINSKIY KOMP'YUTERNYY TSENTR, OOO dropped over 2019 by 38.33% to 111.00 thousand RUB from 180.00 thousand RUB KAgent.Entities.Balance, the company informed. Revenue remained in the accounting period at the same level and made up 2.13 million RUB compared to 2.13 million RUB 2.13 million RUB; cost of goods sold decreased by 8.50% to 1.49 million RUB from 1.62 million RUB; sales loss decreased by 42.33% to 94.00 thousand RUB from 163.00 thousand RUB. 2018
Net loss (RA) of CHERNUSHINSKIY KOMP'YUTERNYY TSENTR, OOO made up 180.00 thousand RUB over 2018 compared to net profit of 46.00 thousand RUB over 2017, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 39.21% to 2.13 million RUB from 3.50 million RUB in 2017; cost of goods sold decreased by 37.53% to 1.62 million RUB from 2.60 million RUB; sales loss made up 163.00 thousand RUB compared to sales profit of 64.00 thousand RUB. 2017
Net profit (RAS) of CHERNUSHINSKIY KOMP'YUTERNYY TSENTR, OOO dropped in 2017 by 33.33% to 46.00 thousand RUB from 69.00 thousand RUB over the same period in 2016, the company informed. Revenue increased in the accounting period by 2.46% to 3.50 million RUB from 3.42 million RUB over 2016; cost of goods sold grew by 1.72% to 2.60 million RUB from 2.55 million RUB; sales profit fell by 25.58% to 64.00 thousand RUB from 86.00 thousand RUB. 2016
Net profit (RAS) of CHERNUSHINSKIY KOMP'YUTERNYY TSENTR, OOO made up 67.00 thousand RUB over 2016 compared to net loss of 57.00 thousand RUB over 2015, the company informed. Revenue increased in the accounting period by 18.15% to 3.42 million RUB from 2.89 million RUB over 2015; cost of goods sold grew by 13.66% to 2.56 million RUB from 2.25 million RUB; sales profit made up 86.00 thousand RUB compared to sales loss of 40.00 thousand RUB. 2014
Net loss (RA) of Chernushinskiy komp'yuternyy tsentr, OOO made up 81.00 thousand RUB over 2014 compared to net profit of 15.00 thousand RUB over 2013, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 11.50% to 2.72 million RUB from 3.07 million RUB in 2013; cost of goods sold decreased by 9.22% to 2.08 million RUB from 2.29 million RUB; sales loss made up 67.00 thousand RUB compared to sales profit of 28.00 thousand RUB. 2013
Net profit (RAS) of Chernushinskiy kompyuternyy tsentr, OOO dropped in 2013 21.13 times to 15.00 thousand RUB from 317.00 thousand RUB over the same period in 2012, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 17.21% to 3.07 million RUB from 3.71 million RUB in 2012; cost of goods sold decreased by 15.50% to 2.29 million RUB from 2.71 million RUB; sales profit fell 11.68 times to 28.00 thousand RUB from 327.00 thousand RUB.
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