INN | 5823002940 |
KPP | 582301001 |
OGRN | 1025800010994 |
OKPO | 27758280 |
Address | 442370, Penzenskaya Oblast', r-n Mokshanskiy, rp. Mokshan, ul. Sovetskaya, d. D. 44 |
OKVED code | Type | Name of activity type |
94.99 | Core activity | Other membership organizations nec |
Registration date | 23.12.2002 |
Registering department | Upravlenie Ministerstva yustitsii po Penzenskoy oblasti |
MOOO I R MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI (Penza Oblast; INN 5823002940) was registered on 23 Dec 2002. Type of ownership of MOOO I R MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI - Public and religious organizations (enterprises). Form of ownership of MOOO I R MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI - Property of public associations. Principal activities of MOOO I R MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI: other membership organizations nec (94.99). |
Economic indicators2023
Net profit (RAS) of MOOO I R MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI grew over 2023 12.21 times to 171.00 thousand RUB from 14.00 thousand RUB over 2022, the company informed. Sales loss decreased by 17.81% to 397.00 thousand RUB from 483.00 thousand RUB. 2022
Net profit (RAS) of MOOO I R MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI made up 14.00 thousand RUB over 2022 compared to net loss of 42.00 thousand RUB over 2021, the company informed. Sales loss grew by 29.14% to 483.00 thousand RUB from 374.00 thousand RUB. 2021
Net loss (RA) of MESTNAYA OBSCHESTVENNAYA ORGANIZATSIYA OKHOTNIKOV I RYBOLOVOV MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI made up 42.00 thousand RUB over 2021 compared to net profit of 34.00 thousand RUB over 2020, the company informed. Sales loss grew by 3.03% to 374.00 thousand RUB from 363.00 thousand RUB. 2020
Net profit (RAS) of MOOO I R MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI dropped in 2020 2.91 times to 34.00 thousand RUB from 99.00 thousand RUB over the same period in 2019, the company informed. Sales loss grew by 6.45% to 363.00 thousand RUB from 341.00 thousand RUB. 2019
Net profit (RAS) of MOOO I R MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI made up 99.00 thousand RUB over 2019 compared to net loss of 31.00 thousand RUB over 2018, the company informed. Sales loss decreased by 31.25% to 341.00 thousand RUB from 496.00 thousand RUB. 2018
Net loss (RAS) of MOOO I R MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI dropped over 2018 by 47.46% to 31.00 thousand RUB from 59.00 thousand RUB KAgent.Entities.Balance, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period Infinity times to 0.00 thousand RUB from 7.00 thousand RUB in 2017; sales loss decreased by 9.16% to 496.00 thousand RUB from 546.00 thousand RUB. 2017
Net loss (RAS) of MOOO I R MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI dropped over 2017 by 36.56% to 59.00 thousand RUB from 93.00 thousand RUB KAgent.Entities.Balance, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period 84.29 times to 7.00 thousand RUB from 590.00 thousand RUB in 2016; sales loss grew 2.39 times to 546.00 thousand RUB from 228.00 thousand RUB. 2016
Net loss (RA) of MOOO I R MOKSHANSKOGO RAYONA PENZENSKOY OBLASTI made up 93.00 thousand RUB over 2016 compared to net profit of 198.00 thousand RUB over 2015, the company informed. Revenue increased in the accounting period by 44.61% to 590.00 thousand RUB from 408.00 thousand RUB over 2015; sales loss grew by 37.35% to 228.00 thousand RUB from 166.00 thousand RUB. 2013
Net loss (RAS) of OO okhotnikov i rybolovov Mokshanskogo rayona increased 5.13 times to 49.62 million RUB from 9.68 million RUB over 2012, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 19.45% to 220.12 million RUB from 273.27 million RUB in 2012; cost of goods sold grew by 3.55% to 487.59 million RUB from 470.85 million RUB; sales loss grew by 35.37% to 267.47 million RUB from 197.59 million RUB.
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