OKVED code | Type | Name of activity type |
86.10 | Core activity | Hospitals |
21.10 | Additional activity | Manufacture of manmade fibres |
21.20 | Additional activity | Manufacturers of drugs and pharmaceuticals and medical products |
All types of activities |
21.20.2 | Additional activity | Production of materials used in medical applications |
26.11 | Additional activity | Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals |
26.20 | Additional activity | Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment |
26.20.1 | Additional activity | Proizvodstvo komp'yuterov |
26.20.2 | Additional activity | Proizvodstvo periferiynogo oborudovaniya |
26.20.3 | Additional activity | Proizvodstvo zapominayuschikh ustroystv i prochikh ustroystv khraneniya dannykh |
38.11 | Additional activity | Collection of non-hazardous waste |
38.12 | Additional activity | Hazardous waste collection |
38.21 | Additional activity | Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste |
38.22 | Additional activity | Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste |
39.00 | Additional activity | Providing services in the field of elimination of the consequences of pollution and other services related to waste management |
46.18.11 | Additional activity | Agents specialized in the wholesale trade of pharmaceutical products |
46.18.12 | Additional activity | Agents specialized in the wholesale products used for medical purposes |
46.18.13 | Additional activity | Agents specialized in the wholesale of perfume and cosmetics, including soap |
46.18.14 | Additional activity | Agents specialized in the wholesale detergents |
47.73 | Additional activity | Retailing drugs in specialized stores (pharmacies) |
47.74 | Additional activity | Retailing products used for medical purposes, orthopedic goods in specialized stores |
51.10.2 | Additional activity | Non-scheduled air transport (passenger) |
51.10.3 | Additional activity | Rental of aircraft with crew for the carriage of passengers |
51.22 | Additional activity | Activity space transport |
51.22.4 | Additional activity | Activity space laboratories |
52.23 | Additional activity | Provision of other services for the ship ride 5222 |
56.29.2 | Additional activity | Activities canteens and cafeterias at enterprises and establishments |
58.29 | Additional activity | Other software publishing |
62.02.3 | Additional activity | Activities for user training |
62.02.4 | Additional activity | The activities on the preparation for operation of computer systems |
62.02.9 | Additional activity | Activities in the field of computer technology consulting other |
64.20 | Additional activity | Activities of holding companies |
68.10 | Additional activity | Buying and selling of own real estate, buildings and dwellings |
71.20 | Additional activity | Technical testing, analysis and certification |
71.20.1 | Additional activity | Technical testing and analysis |
71.20.2 | Additional activity | Physical examination and consultation |
72.11 | Additional activity | Research and development in biotechnology |
72.19 | Additional activity | Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering Other |
72.19.11 | Additional activity | Provedenie fundamental'nykh issledovaniy, nauchno-issledovatel'skikh i opytno-konstruktorskikh rabot v oblasti ispol'zovaniya atomnoy energii |
72.19.3 | Additional activity | Research and development in agriculture, forestry and food sciences |
72.19.9 | Additional activity | Nauchnye issledovaniya i razrabotki v oblasti estestvennykh i tekhnicheskikh nauk prochie, ne vklyuchennye v drugie gruppirovki |
74.90.21 | Additional activity | Experts in business management and organization |
74.90.23 | Additional activity | Experts for fire protection |
74.90.25 | Additional activity | Experts in land and mortgage |
74.90.26 | Additional activity | Activities aimed at establishing a market value of other objects of civil rights, for which the Russian Federation legislation, the possibility of their participation in public circulation |
74.90.32 | Additional activity | Experts of machinery |
77.39.26 | Additional activity | Rental and leasing of equipment, vehicles and other equipment used for medical purposes |
77.40 | Additional activity | Rental of intellectual property and similar products, except copyright |
79.90.32 | Additional activity | Activities to provide other services associated with the service of pre-orders |
80.10 | Additional activity | Security and investigation activities |
80.20 | Additional activity | Activities security systems |
80.30 | Additional activity | Activities Investigation |
82.11 | Additional activity | Activities of administrative and economic complex to ensure the work of the organization |