OKVED code | Type | Name of activity type |
71.11 | Core activity | Architectural activities |
71.11.1 | Additional activity | Engineering activities and related technical consultancy |
71.11.2 | Additional activity | Activities on planning of cities and territories |
All types of activities |
71.11.3 | Additional activity | Architectural firms for local, regional and state planning |
71.12 | Additional activity | Engineering office |
71.12.1 | Additional activity | Structural engineering firms for overall planning |
71.12.11 | Additional activity | Civil engineers and construction offices |
71.12.12 | Additional activity | Stahl-Gro?handel |
71.12.13 | Additional activity | High civil engineers and offices |
71.12.14 | Additional activity | Razrabotka inzhenerno-tekhnicheskikh proektov i kontrol' pri stroitel'stve i modernizatsii ob'ektov ispol'zovaniya atomnoy energii |
71.12.15 | Additional activity | Inzhenernye izyskaniya v stroitel'stve |
71.12.2 | Additional activity | Engineering firms for technical planning and engineering design |
71.12.3 | Additional activity | Exploration work, geophysical and geochemical study in the field of mineral resources and the reproduction of the mineral resource base |
71.12.41 | Additional activity | Intelligence, automation, instrumentation and control engineers and offices |
71.12.42 | Additional activity | Telecommunications engineers and offices |
71.12.43 | Additional activity | Measurement and control engineers and offices |
71.12.44 | Additional activity | Activities related to the collection, processing and preparation of cartographic and space information, including aerial surveys |
71.12.45 | Additional activity | Civil engineers and offices |
71.12.5 | Additional activity | Activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas, environmental monitoring, pollution |
71.12.52 | Additional activity | Carrying heliophysical and geophysical surveys |
71.12.53 | Additional activity | Surveyors Civil Engineers |
71.12.54 | Additional activity | Surveyors |
71.12.55 | Additional activity | Processing activities and the provision of hydrometeorological information to public authorities and the public |
71.12.56 | Additional activity | Other engineering firms |
71.12.57 | Additional activity | Offices baufach expert |
71.12.6 | Additional activity | Activities in the field of technical regulation, standardization, metrology, accreditation, product cataloging |
71.12.61 | Additional activity | Activities in the field of technical regulation and standardization |
71.12.62 | Additional activity | Activities in the field of metrology |
71.12.63 | Additional activity | Activities in the field of accreditation |
71.12.64 | Additional activity | State control (supervision) over observance of technical regulations |
71.12.65 | Additional activity | Federal State metrological supervision |
71.12.66 | Additional activity | Activities in the field of product cataloging |
71.12.7 | Additional activity | Kadastrovaya deyatel'nost' |
71.12.8 | Additional activity | Deyatel'nost' po predostavleniyu inzhenerno-tekhnicheskikh konsul'tatsiy v sfere energosberezheniya i povysheniya energeticheskoy effektivnosti ispol'zovaniya energeticheskikh resursov |
71.12.9 | Additional activity | Zemleustroystvo |
71.20 | Additional activity | Technical testing, analysis and certification |
71.20.1 | Additional activity | Technical testing and analysis |
71.20.2 | Additional activity | Physical examination and consultation |
71.20.3 | Additional activity | Chemical analysis and advice |
71.20.4 | Additional activity | Testing, research and analysis of complete mechanical and electrical systems, energy audit |
71.20.41 | Additional activity | Deyatel'nost' po attestatsionnym ispytaniyam i attestatsii na sootvetstvie trebovaniyam po zaschite informatsii |
71.20.42 | Additional activity | Deyatel'nost' po kontrolyu zaschischennosti konfidentsial'noy informatsii ot utechki po tekhnicheskim kanalam, ot nesanktsionirovannogo dostupa i ee modifikatsii v sredstvakh i sistemakh informatizatsii |
71.20.5 | Additional activity | Technical inspection of vehicles |
71.20.6 | Additional activity | Expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results |
71.20.61 | Additional activity | Expertise of engineering survey of project documentation and the state |
71.20.62 | Additional activity | Expertise of project documentation and engineering survey results nongovernmental |
71.20.7 | Additional activity | The assessment of working conditions |
71.20.8 | Additional activity | Certification of products, services and organizations |
71.20.81 | Additional activity | Sertifikatsiya sredstv zaschity informatsii |
71.20.89 | Additional activity | Sertifikatsiya prochikh vidov produktsii, uslug i organizatsiy |
71.20.9 | Additional activity | Activities for technical control, testing and other analysis |