INN | 3528055814 |
KPP | 352801001 |
OGRN | 1033500316893 |
OKPO | 47860632 |
Address | 162626, Vologodskaya Oblast', g. Cherepovets, pr-kt Sheksninskiy, d. D.35, of. 19 |
Phone | 31-97-74 Contact details |
OKVED code | Type | Name of activity type |
68.32.1 | Core activity | Management of residential land, residential buildings and apartments for third parties |
Registration date | 13.01.2003 |
ZHSK "SAKS" (Vologda Oblast; INN 3528055814) was registered on 13 Jan 2003. Type of ownership of ZHSK "SAKS" - Comsumer cooperatives. Form of ownership of ZHSK "SAKS" - Private property. Principal activities of ZHSK "SAKS": management of residential land, residential buildings and apartments for third parties (68.32.1). |
Economic indicators2023
Net profit (RAS) of ZHSK SAKS over 2023 was the same as in 2022 reaching 173.00 thousand RUB, the company informed. Revenue remained in the accounting period at the same level and made up 216.00 thousand RUB compared to 216.00 thousand RUB 216.00 thousand RUB; sales profit matched the previous year’s result amounting to 216.00 thousand RUB. 2022
Net profit (RAS) of ZHSK SAKS over 2022 was the same as in 2021 reaching 173.00 thousand RUB, the company informed. Revenue remained in the accounting period at the same level and made up 216.00 thousand RUB compared to 216.00 thousand RUB 216.00 thousand RUB; sales profit matched the previous year’s result amounting to 216.00 thousand RUB. 2021
Net profit (RAS) of POTREBITEL'SKIY ZHILISCHNO-STROITEL'NYY KOOPERATIV SAKS dropped in 2021 by 6.99% to 173.00 thousand RUB from 186.00 thousand RUB over the same period in 2020, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 7.30% to 216.00 thousand RUB from 233.00 thousand RUB in 2020; sales profit fell by 7.30% to 216.00 thousand RUB from 233.00 thousand RUB. 2020
Net profit (RAS) of ZHSK SAKS dropped in 2020 by 26.77% to 186.00 thousand RUB from 254.00 thousand RUB over the same period in 2019, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 26.73% to 233.00 thousand RUB from 318.00 thousand RUB in 2019; sales profit fell by 26.73% to 233.00 thousand RUB from 318.00 thousand RUB. 2019
Net profit (RAS) of ZHSK SAKS dropped in 2019 by 14.77% to 254.00 thousand RUB from 298.00 thousand RUB over the same period in 2018, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 14.52% to 318.00 thousand RUB from 372.00 thousand RUB in 2018; sales profit fell by 14.52% to 318.00 thousand RUB from 372.00 thousand RUB. 2018
Net profit (RAS) of ZHSK SAKS grew over 2018 by 17.32% to 298.00 thousand RUB from 254.00 thousand RUB over 2017, the company informed. Revenue increased in the accounting period by 16.98% to 372.00 thousand RUB from 318.00 thousand RUB over 2017; sales profit went up by 16.98% to 372.00 thousand RUB from 318.00 thousand RUB. 2017
Net profit (RAS) of ZHSK SAKS dropped in 2017 by 6.96% to 254.00 thousand RUB from 273.00 thousand RUB over the same period in 2016, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 7.56% to 318.00 thousand RUB from 344.00 thousand RUB in 2016; cost of goods sold decreased Infinity times to 0.00 thousand RUB from 3.00 thousand RUB; sales profit fell by 6.74% to 318.00 thousand RUB from 341.00 thousand RUB. 2016
Net profit (RAS) of ZHSK SAKS dropped in 2016 by 10.49% to 273.00 thousand RUB from 305.00 thousand RUB over the same period in 2015, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 14.64% to 344.00 thousand RUB from 403.00 thousand RUB in 2015; cost of goods sold decreased 7.33 times to 3.00 thousand RUB from 22.00 thousand RUB; sales profit fell by 10.50% to 341.00 thousand RUB from 381.00 thousand RUB. 2014
Net profit (RAS) of ZHSK SAKS grew over 2014 by 4.74% to 376.00 thousand RUB from 359.00 thousand RUB over 2013, the company informed. Revenue increased in the accounting period by 3.75% to 498.00 thousand RUB from 480.00 thousand RUB over 2013; cost of goods sold decreased by 9.68% to 28.00 thousand RUB from 31.00 thousand RUB; sales profit went up by 4.68% to 470.00 thousand RUB from 449.00 thousand RUB.
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