INN | 2503997040 |
KPP | 250301001 |
OGRN | 1122500001183 |
OKPO | 10224963 |
Address | 692840, Primorskiy Kray, r-n Shkotovskiy, p Novonezhino, ul Pochtovaya, d. D. 1A |
OKVED code | Type | Name of activity type |
93.1 | Core activity | Sports activities |
Registration date | 01.06.2012 |
SOO "FEDERATSIYA SAMBO, DZYUDO I RUKOPASHNOGO BOYA SHKOTOVSKOGO RAYONA" (Primorsky Krai; INN 2503997040) was registered on 1 Jun 2012. Principal activities of SOO "FEDERATSIYA SAMBO, DZYUDO I RUKOPASHNOGO BOYA SHKOTOVSKOGO RAYONA": sports activities (93.1). |
Economic indicators2023
Net profit (RAS) of SOO FEDERATSIYA SAMBO, DZYUDO I RUKOPASHNOGO BOYA SHKOTOVSKOGO RAYONA made up 0 RUB over 2023 compared to net loss of 1.00 thousand RUB over 2022, the company informed. 2022
Net loss (RA) of SOO FEDERATSIYA SAMBO, DZYUDO I RUKOPASHNOGO BOYA SHKOTOVSKOGO RAYONA made up 1.00 thousand RUB over 2022 compared to net profit of 6.00 thousand RUB over 2021, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period ? times to 0.00 thousand RUB from 6.00 thousand RUB in 2021; sales profit made up 0 RUB compared to 6.00 thousand RUB. 2021
Net profit (RAS) of SOO FEDERATSIYA SAMBO, DZYUDO I RUKOPASHNOGO BOYA SHKOTOVSKOGO RAYONA made up 6.00 thousand RUB over 2021 compared to net loss of 9.00 thousand RUB over 2020, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period 2.67 times to 6.00 thousand RUB from 16.00 thousand RUB in 2020; sales profit made up 6.00 thousand RUB compared to sales loss of 9.00 thousand RUB. 2020
Net loss (RA) of SOO FEDERATSIYA SAMBO, DZYUDO I RUKOPASHNOGO BOYA SHKOTOVSKOGO RAYONA made up 9.00 thousand RUB over 2020 compared to net profit of 20.00 thousand RUB over 2019, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period 2.75 times to 16.00 thousand RUB from 44.00 thousand RUB in 2019; sales loss made up 9.00 thousand RUB compared to sales profit of 37.00 thousand RUB. 2018
Net profit (RAS) of SOO FEDERATSIYA SAMBO, DZYUDO I RUKOPASHNOGO BOYA SHKOTOVSKOGO RAYONA made up 33.00 thousand RUB over 2018 compared to net loss of 37.00 thousand RUB over 2017, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 23.91% to 35.00 thousand RUB from 46.00 thousand RUB in 2017; sales profit made up 35.00 thousand RUB compared to sales loss of 16.00 thousand RUB. 2017
Net loss (RAS) of SOO FEDERATSIYA SAMBO, DZYUDO I RUKOPASHNOGO BOYA SHKOTOVSKOGO RAYONA increased 2.47 times to 37.00 thousand RUB from 15.00 thousand RUB over 2016, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period 2.83 times to 46.00 thousand RUB from 130.00 thousand RUB in 2016; sales loss grew 3.20 times to 16.00 thousand RUB from 5.00 thousand RUB. 2016 2014
Net profit (RAS) of SOO Federatsiya Sambo, Dzyudo i Rukopashnogo boya Shkot made up 0 RUB over 2014 compared to net loss of 1.00 thousand RUB over 2013, the company informed. 2013
Net loss (RAS) of SOO Federatsiya Sambo, Dzyudo i Rukopashnogo boya Shkot dropped over 2013 5.00 times to 1.00 thousand RUB from 5.00 thousand RUB KAgent.Entities.Balance, the company informed. 2012
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