INN | 0278062673 |
KPP | 027801001 |
OGRN | 1030204585883 |
OKPO | 12711290 |
Address | 450078, Respublika Bashkortostan, g. Ufa, ul. Revolyutsionnaya, d. D.90 |
Phone | 28-62-39 |
OKVED code | Type | Name of activity type |
18.12 | Core activity | Printing nec |
Registration date | 21.01.2003 |
Registering department | Administratsiya Sovetskogo rayona goroda Ufy Respubliki Bashkortostan |
PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO (Bashkortostan, Republic; INN 0278062673) was registered on 21 Jan 2003. The company's authorized capital as of July 1, 2012 was 10000 rub. Type of ownership of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO - Limited liability companies. Form of ownership of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO - Private property. Principal activities of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO: printing nec (18.12). |
Economic indicators2023
Net profit (RAS) of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO dropped in 2023 89.67 times to 3.00 thousand RUB from 269.00 thousand RUB over the same period in 2022, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 11.62% to 2.12 million RUB from 2.40 million RUB in 2022. 2022
Net profit (RAS) of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO made up 269.00 thousand RUB over 2022 compared to net loss of 53.00 thousand RUB over 2021, the company informed. Revenue increased in the accounting period by 8.65% to 2.40 million RUB from 2.21 million RUB over 2021; cost of goods sold decreased by 0.81% to 2.22 million RUB from 2.23 million RUB; sales profit made up 185.00 thousand RUB compared to sales loss of 24.00 thousand RUB. 2021
Net loss (RA) of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO made up 53.00 thousand RUB over 2021 compared to net profit of 58.00 thousand RUB over 2020, the company informed. Revenue remained in the accounting period at the same level and made up 2.21 million RUB compared to 2.21 million RUB 2.21 million RUB; cost of goods sold grew by 11.76% to 2.23 million RUB from 2.00 million RUB; sales loss made up 24.00 thousand RUB compared to sales profit of 212.00 thousand RUB. 2020
Net profit (RAS) of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO made up 58.00 thousand RUB over 2020 compared to net loss of 291.00 thousand RUB over 2019, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 32.21% to 2.21 million RUB from 3.26 million RUB in 2019; cost of goods sold decreased by 39.44% to 2.00 million RUB from 3.30 million RUB; sales profit made up 212.00 thousand RUB compared to sales loss of 39.00 thousand RUB. 2019
Net loss (RA) of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO made up 291.00 thousand RUB over 2019 compared to net profit of 57.00 thousand RUB over 2018, the company informed. Revenue remained in the accounting period at the same level and made up 3.26 million RUB compared to 3.25 million RUB 3.25 million RUB; cost of goods sold grew by 7.39% to 3.30 million RUB from 3.07 million RUB; sales loss made up 39.00 thousand RUB compared to sales profit of 175.00 thousand RUB. 2018
Net profit (RAS) of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO made up 57.00 thousand RUB over 2018 compared to net loss of 275.00 thousand RUB over 2017, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 1.87% to 3.25 million RUB from 3.31 million RUB in 2017; cost of goods sold decreased by 11.21% to 3.07 million RUB from 3.46 million RUB; sales profit made up 175.00 thousand RUB compared to sales loss of 151.00 thousand RUB. 2017
Net loss (RA) of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO made up 275.00 thousand RUB over 2017 compared to net profit of 99.00 thousand RUB over 2016, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 41.08% to 3.31 million RUB from 5.62 million RUB in 2016; cost of goods sold decreased by 34.27% to 3.46 million RUB from 5.26 million RUB; sales loss made up 151.00 thousand RUB compared to sales profit of 352.00 thousand RUB. 2016
Net profit (RAS) of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH SOYUZA ARKHITEKTOROV RB, OOO dropped in 2016 6.46 times to 99.00 thousand RUB from 640.00 thousand RUB over the same period in 2015, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 25.29% to 5.62 million RUB from 7.52 million RUB in 2015; cost of goods sold decreased by 17.85% to 5.26 million RUB from 6.41 million RUB; sales profit fell 3.15 times to 352.00 thousand RUB from 1.11 million RUB. 2014
Net profit (RAS) of PMTS ARKHBLITSTIRAZH, OOO made up 30.00 thousand RUB over 2014 compared to net loss of 326.00 thousand RUB over 2013, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 8.56% to 8.00 million RUB from 8.75 million RUB in 2013; cost of goods sold decreased by 12.69% to 7.51 million RUB from 8.60 million RUB; sales profit went up 3.18 times to 499.00 thousand RUB from 157.00 thousand RUB. 2013
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