Accounting reportsPreviously
INN | 1835036859 |
KPP | 184101001 |
OGRN | 1031802481556 |
OKPO | 43685540 |
Address | 426072, Udmurtskaya Respublika, g. Izhevsk, ul. Pervomayskaya, d. D.34, of. 52 |
Phone | 37-63-16 |
OKVED code | Type | Name of activity type |
94.99 | Core activity | Other membership organizations nec | 79.11 | Additional activity | Activities of travel agencies | 79.90.1 | Additional activity | Tourist assistance | All types of activities | 79.90.2 | Additional activity | Activities for the provision of excursion tourist services | 79.90.3 | Additional activity | Activities for the provision of tourist services related to booking |
Registration date | 15.01.2003 |
Registering department | Upravlenie Ministerstva yustitsii Rossiyskoy Federatsii po Udmurtskoy Respublike |
RDMOO STUFST, RDMOO "SOYUZ TURISTOV UDMURTII", RDMOO "FEDERATSIYA SPORTIVNOGO TURIZMA UDMURTII" (Udmurt Republic; INN 1835036859) was registered on 15 Jan 2003. Type of ownership of RDMOO STUFST, RDMOO "SOYUZ TURISTOV UDMURTII", RDMOO "FEDERATSIYA SPORTIVNOGO TURIZMA UDMURTII" - Public and religious organizations (enterprises). Form of ownership of RDMOO STUFST, RDMOO "SOYUZ TURISTOV UDMURTII", RDMOO "FEDERATSIYA SPORTIVNOGO TURIZMA UDMURTII" - Property of public associations. Principal activities of RDMOO STUFST, RDMOO "SOYUZ TURISTOV UDMURTII", RDMOO "FEDERATSIYA SPORTIVNOGO TURIZMA UDMURTII": other membership organizations nec (94.99), activities of travel agencies (79.11), tourist assistance (79.90.1). |
Economic indicators2021
Net profit (RAS) of RDMOO STUFST, RDMOO SOYUZ TURISTOV UDMURTII, RDMOO FEDERATSIYA SPORTIVNOGO TURIZMA UDMURTII made up 0 RUB over 2021 compared to 5.00 thousand RUB over 2020, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period ? times to 0.00 thousand RUB from 16.00 thousand RUB in 2020. 2020
Net profit (RAS) of RDMOO STUFST, RDMOO SOYUZ TURISTOV UDMURTII, RDMOO FEDERATSIYA SPORTIVNOGO TURIZMA UDMURTII dropped in 2020 5.80 times to 5.00 thousand RUB from 29.00 thousand RUB over the same period in 2019, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period 15.50 times to 16.00 thousand RUB from 248.00 thousand RUB in 2019. 2019 Revenue increased in the accounting period 2.23 times to 248.00 thousand RUB from 111.00 thousand RUB over 2018. 2018
Net profit (RAS) of RDMOO STUFST, RDMOO SOYUZ TURISTOV UDMURTII, RDMOO FEDERATSIYA SPORTIVNOGO TURIZMA UDMURTII made up 0 RUB over 2018 compared to net loss of 9.00 thousand RUB over 2017, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period 2.95 times to 111.00 thousand RUB from 327.00 thousand RUB in 2017; cost of goods sold decreased 3.23 times to 103.00 thousand RUB from 333.00 thousand RUB; sales profit made up 8.00 thousand RUB compared to sales loss of 6.00 thousand RUB. 2017
Net loss (RA) of RDMOO STUFST, RDMOO SOYUZ TURISTOV UDMURTII, RDMOO FEDERATSIYA SPORTIVNOGO TURIZMA UDMURTII made up 9.00 thousand RUB over 2017 compared to net profit of 35.00 thousand RUB over 2016, the company informed. Revenue increased in the accounting period by 32.39% to 327.00 thousand RUB from 247.00 thousand RUB over 2016; cost of goods sold grew 1.60 times to 333.00 thousand RUB from 208.00 thousand RUB; sales loss made up 6.00 thousand RUB compared to sales profit of 39.00 thousand RUB. 2016
Net profit (RAS) of RDMOO STUFST, RDMOO SOYUZ TURISTOV UDMURTII, RDMOO FEDERATSIYA SPORTIVNOGO TURIZMA UDMURTII grew over 2016 2.06 times to 35.00 thousand RUB from 17.00 thousand RUB over 2015, the company informed. Revenue decreased in the accounting period by 27.35% to 247.00 thousand RUB from 340.00 thousand RUB in 2015; cost of goods sold decreased by 35.00% to 208.00 thousand RUB from 320.00 thousand RUB; sales profit went up 1.95 times to 39.00 thousand RUB from 20.00 thousand RUB. 2014
Net loss (RA) of RDMOO STUFST, RDMOO SOYUZ TURISTOV UDMURTII, RDMOO FEDERATSIYA SPORTIVNOGO TURIZMA UDMURTII made up 40.00 thousand RUB over 2014 compared to net profit of 47.00 thousand RUB over 2013, the company informed. Revenue increased in the accounting period 4.63 times to 2.65 million RUB from 572.00 thousand RUB over 2013; cost of goods sold grew 5.13 times to 2.66 million RUB from 519.00 thousand RUB; sales loss made up 14.00 thousand RUB compared to sales profit of 53.00 thousand RUB. 2013
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