OKVED code | Type | Name of activity type |
27.90 | Core activity | Manufacture of other electrical equipment |
26.11 | Additional activity | Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals |
26.11.1 | Additional activity | Manufacture of electronic vacuum tubes and tubes and other electronic vacuum devices |
All types of activities |
26.11.2 | Additional activity | Production of diodes, transistors and other semiconductor devices, including light emitting diodes, piezoelectric devices and parts thereof, |
26.11.3 | Additional activity | Production of solar thermal collectors |
26.11.9 | Additional activity | Manufacture of electronic switches and circuits |
26.12 | Additional activity | Manufacture of electronic printed circuit boards |
26.20 | Additional activity | Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment |
26.20.1 | Additional activity | Proizvodstvo komp'yuterov |
26.20.2 | Additional activity | Proizvodstvo periferiynogo oborudovaniya |
26.20.3 | Additional activity | Proizvodstvo zapominayuschikh ustroystv i prochikh ustroystv khraneniya dannykh |
26.20.4 | Additional activity | Proizvodstvo sredstv zaschity informatsii, a takzhe informatsionnykh i telekommunikatsionnykh sistem, zaschischennykh s ispol'zovaniem sredstv zaschity informatsii |
26.20.9 | Additional activity | Proizvodstvo prochikh ustroystv avtomaticheskoy obrabotki dannykh |
26.30 | Additional activity | Manufacture of communication equipment |
26.30.1 | Additional activity | Производство коммуникационной аппаратуры, радио- и телевизионной передающей аппаратуры, телевизионных камер |
26.30.11 | Additional activity | Производство средств связи, выполняющих функцию систем коммутации |
26.30.12 | Additional activity | Производство средств связи, выполняющих функцию цифровых транспортных систем |
26.30.13 | Additional activity | Производство средств связи, выполняющих функцию систем управления и мониторинга |
26.30.14 | Additional activity | Производство оборудования, используемого для учета объема оказанных услуг связи |
26.30.16 | Additional activity | Equipment manufacturing communications, including software, providing fulfilling of set actions during carrying out of operatively-search actions |
26.30.19 | Additional activity | Manufacture of other communication equipment |
26.30.2 | Additional activity | Production terminal (user) equipment telephone or Telegraph equipment video |
26.30.21 | Additional activity | Production user (terminal) equipment wired telephone connection, wired or wireless handsets |
26.30.22 | Additional activity | Production of telephones for use in cellular or other wireless communication networks |
26.30.29 | Additional activity | Production of other telephone sets, devices and apparatus for transmitting and receiving speech, images or other data, including communications equipment for use in wired or wireless communication networks (e.g., local and wide area networks) |
26.30.3 | Additional activity | Production of spare parts and components for communication equipment |
26.30.4 | Additional activity | Manufacture of communication equipment |
26.30.5 | Additional activity | Manufacture of burglar and fire alarms |
27.11 | Additional activity | Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers |
27.12 | Additional activity | Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus |
27.20 | Additional activity | Production of electric batteries and storage batteries |
27.31 | Additional activity | Manufacture of fiber optic cables |
27.32 | Additional activity | Manufacture of wires and cables for electrical and electronic equipment |
27.33 | Additional activity | Manufacture of wiring accessories |
27.40 | Additional activity | Manufacture of electric lamps and lighting equipment |
27.51 | Additional activity | Forging, pressing, stamping and rollforming of metal; powder metallurgy |
27.52 | Additional activity | Production of non-electrical household appliances |
27.90.1 | Additional activity | Proizvodstvo uskoriteley zaryazhennykh chastits |
27.90.2 | Additional activity | Proizvodstvo radiatsionnykh apparatov i radionuklidnykh energeticheskikh ustroystv (REU) |
27.90.9 | Additional activity | Proizvodstvo elektricheskogo oborudovaniya prochego, ne vklyuchennogo v drugie gruppirovki |
47.41 | Additional activity | Retail trade of computers, peripheral devices to them and software in specialized stores |
47.42 | Additional activity | Retail trade of telecommunications equipment, including retail of mobile phones, in specialized stores |
47.78 | Additional activity | Other retail sale of new goods in specialised stores |
47.91 | Additional activity | Mail order and Internet retailers |
49.42 | Additional activity | The provision of transport services |
62.01 | Additional activity | Computer programming, consultancy and related activities |
62.02 | Additional activity | Activities and advisory work in the field of computer technology |
62.03 | Additional activity | The activities Computer facilities management |
62.09 | Additional activity | Activities related to the usage of computers and information technology, other |
63.11 | Additional activity | Data processing activities, the provision of hosting services and related activities |
63.12 | Additional activity | Activities of web-portals |
63.91 | Additional activity | News agency activities |